US Embassy in Egypt

US EmbassyThe US Embassy in Egypt is located in Cairo and also in Alexandria. We have listed the contact details such as the telephone numbers and also the email addresses for the US embassy in Cairo and also in Alexandria. See also what the Embassy can assist you with  when it comes to consular assistance.

US Embassy in Egypt

If you need to add pages into your US passport then the Embassy in Cairo is the best place to have this done. you can also obtain consular assistance at the US Embassy with regards to death registration, birth registration or applying for a new US passport. The Embassy is also good for finding out about apply for a US visa such as a tourist visa, fiance visa or a marriage visa if you are wanting to take your Egyptian fiancee or wife back to the United States of America.

US Embassy in Egypt

There are a number of Embassies such as the US Embassy in Burkina Faso and the US Embassy in Austria and US Embassy in Armenia as well. If you have lost your US passport then this must be reported to the police where the passport was lost or stolen. The case number will be needed by the Embassy to issue a new passport or temporary travel document. Ensure that you follow the procedures to obtain the new passport.


US Embassy Cairo

Address: 5 Tawfik Diab Street, Garden City, Cairo, Egypt

Telephone: (20-2) 2797 3300

Fax: (20-2) 2797 3200

Emergency Numbers

Address:  Tawfik Diab Street, Garden City, Cairo, Egypt

Phone: (for emergencies only): (20-2) 2797-3300

There are a number of US Embassies around the world. These include but not limited to the US Embassy in Albania and the US Consulate in Shanghai. There is also the US Embassy in Canberra as you will see.


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I develop websites and content for websites related to embassies from around the world. See more pages and content about US embassies from around the world. From Canada to Nepal all US embassies have been listed here. See the other websites listed on the sidebar for Thai, Canadian and British embassies.

About Andre Hector

I develop websites and content for websites related to embassies from around the world. See more pages and content about US embassies from around the world. From Canada to Nepal all US embassies have been listed here. See the other websites listed on the sidebar for Thai, Canadian and British embassies.

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