American Embassy in Kuwait

US EmbassyThese are the details for the American Embassy in Kuwait. Kuwait City is where you will find the US Embassy opposite the Hungarian Embassy. Note that this Embassy will only see you by appointment so you need to call them or send them an email if you wish to make contact.

American Embassy in Kuwait

This Embassy allows you to apply for a US passport or to report a death, marriage or birth. You can also contact the embassy in the event of an emergency such as when you get arrested or are in an accident. Kuwait citizens can also apply for a US visa at the Embassy and the visa telephone number is listed below. Note the telephone number, address and email of the Embassy. We have also added a map to the US Embassy in Kuwait City. Note this embassy is closed on a Friday!

American Embassy in Kuwait

Details for the US Embassy in Kuwait

Address: American Embassy, P. O. Box 77, Safat 13001, Kuwait

Telephone:  00-(965) 2259-1001 / 00-(965) 2538-6562

Fax:  00-(965) 2538-0282


Office Hours: Sunday – Thursday  8:00 – 4:30

American Citizen Service

Non-Immigrant Visa

Immigrant Visa

US Visa Application


Telephone: Please contact a customer service representative using one of these telephone numbers:

    • Callers in Kuwait: +965 2220 4144
    • Callers in the United States: +1 703 520 2243

For emergencies involving the health, safety and welfare of a U.S. citizen during business hours, please call +965 2259 1001 and explain your situation for the operator to direct your call appropriately. See also the American Embassy in Algeria as well as the US Embassy in Egypt and the US Embassy in Bahrain.

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I develop websites and content for websites related to embassies from around the world. See more pages and content about US embassies from around the world. From Canada to Nepal all US embassies have been listed here. See the other websites listed on the sidebar for Thai, Canadian and British embassies.

About Andre Hector

I develop websites and content for websites related to embassies from around the world. See more pages and content about US embassies from around the world. From Canada to Nepal all US embassies have been listed here. See the other websites listed on the sidebar for Thai, Canadian and British embassies.

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