US Visa

Complete the DS-11

To clarify, the Complete the DS-11 form filler tool isn’t an online passport application. Instead, it allows you to input your data electronically and generate a paper form with a unique barcode. After completing the form electronically and printing it, you’ll need to submit it either by mail or in person, depending on the form type (DS-82 and DS-5504 forms by mail; DS-11 form in person).

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US Tourist Visa

US EmbassyIf you are considering a US tourist visa, then remember not to use the visa for what it was not intended for. In other words don’t use the tourist visa as a fiancee visa as this might be seen as immigration fraud. The US B-1/B-2 visitor visa is seen as being business for (B-1) or for pleasure. Then there is the medical treatment visa which is a (B-2). The B1 is not for employment and meant only for those who are in the US to attend to meetings.

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Complete the DS-160

US EmbassyThis is how to complete the DS-160. The DS 160 is an online nonimmigrant visa application form. This form is completed online and it is required by the US Department of State for individuals who are going to travel to the United States . This is on a temporary bases which most times is for business and tourism.

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Adoption from Colombia

Adopting from Colombia has also become ore strict over the years. For children under the age of 6 at least one of the applicants will need to be of Colombian descent. Much like Chinese adoption the rules are become more strict and the wait times are increasing for the adoption process to complete. Colombia is a Hague Convention country and the adoption process in Colombia is managed by the  Instituto Colombiano Bienestar Familiar (ICBF).

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Adoption from China

US EmbassyThe adoption wait times for China is very long. You may want to consider this when thinking of adopting from China. Below you will find the basics that the Chinese government requires. Note however that Taiwan has a different system to China which much shorter wait times. The current wait times for China is now at 9 years. Yes that is correct, the wait times for adoption from China is now at 9 years. Special needs children do take fewer years and you will have to speak to your agent about this.

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Adoption from Chile

See the adoption from Chile process here. If you are adopting from Chile then you can find the first steps to an inter-country adoption listed here under US adoptions. Much like other countries such as adoption in Bulgaria in Chile the country first has to try local adoptions before the child or children become available for a foreign adoption. All legal adoptions in Chile are done by the SENAME (Servicio Nacional de Menores). They manage all the adoptions in the country for Chile.

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Adoption from Bulgaria

If you are adopting from Bulgaria then you will need to meet the criteria for adoption from the USCIS as well as from the Bulgarian authorities. Under the laws of Bulgaria the government first has to try to place the child locally before the child is made available for an international adoption. The following would be the basics for adopting a child from Bulgaria.

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US Adoption – Eligibility to Adopt

Read the US Adoption – Eligibility to Adopt. The US adoption process starts with an application to the USCIS. Your application for adoption will have a completed a USCIS form as well as the home study, an application fee and all other supporting documents as needed. The form you will be using depends on the foreign country from which you are adopting from. For a Hague Convention country, file Form I-800A. For a country not party to the Hague Adoption Convention, use Form I-600A.

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US Adoption – Who can adopt

If you are going to adopt as an American citizen then there are rules for the adoption process. The first question is who can adopt a child and what is the process. We will start with who can adopt a child and bring the child back to the United States. Below you will find the listing for who can adopt.

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How to cancel a K1 Visa

US EmbassyDo you want to know how to cancel a K1 Visa. Falling in and out of love in the middle of a visa process can become complicated. If you have decided not to get married and wish to cancel the K1 visa then you would need to contact the US embassy in the country where she lives before the interview date.

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K1 Visa or K3 Visa

US EmbassyK1 Visa or K3 Visa for you? This is a tough question as most Filipino women would not leave their country on a K1 visa. Then proceed to move to the US to be married as it would be out of tradition. When they leave the house of their parents. It is respectful to leave as a married woman and not as a fiancee. The problem is the US visa and how best to move around this.

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Why is the Vermont Service Center so slow?

US EmbassyI submitted my application for my fiance for her K1 Visa on 7/29/2012 and received NOA1 on 8/02/2012. Now awaiting the NOA2. This is a typical question which needs to be answered as people do become impatient when they don’t know what happens next or that they could be told that they cannot get a visa and that their visa has been denied. Their notice of action dates makes them nervous.

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