Complete the DS-160

US EmbassyThis is how to complete the DS-160. The DS 160 is an online nonimmigrant visa application form. This form is completed online and it is required by the US Department of State for individuals who are going to travel to the United States . This is on a temporary bases which most times is for business and tourism.

Complete the DS-160

The form collects all your data such as your travel plans as well as your background. It will also check to see if you are ineligible for a US visa. This must get printed out when done and taken to the US Embassy when you go for the US visa interview. The questions in the interview will differ from visa to visa. Some such as the marriage visa will be different to the questions about a tourist visa. As you will note that the barcode number on the DS-160 confirmation page is required in order to book your interview. This as stated needs to be printed out and taken with you to the Embassy.

Guidelines for Completing the Form DS-160

You will note that the Embassy or Consulate which you selected on the first page of the Form DS-160 must be the same Embassy or Consulate where you will have your interview. In other words you must place the proper Embassy or Consulate in the form as this cannot be changed later. See the picture below as to where this is located.

Complete the DS-160

Note that the form has to be completed in English with English characters. The only place it does not to be in English is your name which is allowed to be in your native alphabet. This could be Thai, Chinese, Arabic or other different characters. Note again that this is for your full name only.

You will also need to upload a photo of yourself and this photo is not allowed to be older than 6 months. You will also take note of your Application ID Number. This in the event that you take longer than 20 minutes to complete the form. After 20 minutes the webpage will expire. Then you would need to start the process again. Notice on the first page there is a “Retrieve an Application”. You can use the application number you had been issued when it started. See #2 and #3 tells you to save this document in the event that you don’t complete it in 20 minutes.


This is how to complete the DS-160 application form for your US visa. Do not commit US immigration fraud.




I develop websites and content for websites related to embassies from around the world. See more pages and content about US embassies from around the world. From Canada to Nepal all US embassies have been listed here. See the other websites listed on the sidebar for Thai, Canadian and British embassies.

About Andre Hector

I develop websites and content for websites related to embassies from around the world. See more pages and content about US embassies from around the world. From Canada to Nepal all US embassies have been listed here. See the other websites listed on the sidebar for Thai, Canadian and British embassies.

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